Thursday, July 26, 2012

Really Random: The First One

Cindy's Really Random Thursdays are a favorite of mine, so I'm thrilled that she is inviting us to join in the fun by posting our own Random post and linking up to hers!  So, here goes:  my first Really Random Thursday post.
Sent to me by a witty relative
I'm still recovering from all my traveling and getting caught up on my mail which includes emails and snail mail.  My husband's cousin is known for bombarding our inbox with emails, most of which I delete without opening unless it is specifically addressed to me and includes family photos.  However, this one caught my eye before I hit the delete button.  I don't play video games or knit, but found this to be quite comical!

JB cards for all occasions
My daughter does play video games (but doesn't knit...yet) and invited a few friends over for a laid-back, belated birthday, hang out and play video games sleepover.  While shopping for party munchies at our local Publix, she spotted this huge selection of Justin Beiber greeting cards and was horrified.  Let's just say, she's not a big JB fan.

Good times
She seems to prefer classic rock.  In the car this Van Halen song came on, and I overheard her telling her friends that her mom could sing the entire song and had a special head nodding dance to go with it. She sounded quite proud ;-)

Reality check
My teenager's pride helped ease the pain of receiving my AARP membership card in the mail.  I knew it was coming, but still couldn't quite believe the mailing was addressed to me.
They have the 30 and 40 version as well

Did you read the part about "protecting the rights of all people over 50"?  My eyes constantly seek out the number 50 now.  This book grabbed my attention so much that I purchased it.  I'll let you know if there's anything fun inside.

Keep calm and have a cupcake
All these 50th birthday reminders prompted me to buy a belated birthday red velvet cupcake.  After all, technically I didn't have a birthday cake.  Michelle and I even tried to find birthday cupcakes on Monday when we were together, but the cupcake bakery was closed.
Galactical BBQ
We did have really good barbecue though at the Smok'n Pig.  I ordered 3 Bulls (prime rib sliders) with fried okra as one of my fixings.  My daughter cracked me up when she asked what "fixings" were!  I guess I haven't educated her as much as I should with my southern heritage.

Drive It Like You Stole It!

I'm not sure if I have ever seen an advertisement insert inside a restaurant menu before.  I love the slogan so had to snap a picture, but I'm not giving a car dealer free advertising here so used my cropping tool ;-)

I ran across this picture and remembered that several of you have asked about my labels.  I order them from this Etsy shop.

Baby Leo

You shouldn't be surprised that I am ending this post with a grand baby picture!

How random is your Thursday?  


  1. LOVE IT!!!! My day (morning) was filled with my least favorite thing...going "into town." Yuck!! Loved coming home and reading your post! A few things to mention...first of all, glad to know our children have such great taste in music ;-) Secondly, I am sick with envy that you got a birthday cupcake...still waiting on mine!!! And that shot of the advertisement...this local business was actually featured on one of the late night TV shows. Well, his radio commercial was, as in, it was seriously made fun of...haha!!! Great post!!!

  2. This is a most excellent really random. I LOVE it ALLL!!! Well, Leo is probably the best thing in the post, I'll be honest. But the others are really funny. Thanks, Rene', for being the first to link up!

  3. That cupcake looks so decadent! I usually delete those kinds of emails too, but that cartoon is quite funny. That display of JB greeting cards really creeps me out!

  4. haha, that first picture cracks me up! and I'd definately play a knitting video game, since I can't seem to learn to knit in real life :)

  5. A great 1st Random Blog! love the kniting cartoon and you never can go wrong with Van Halen. It is even better now that I have met and have a real person to attach to the blog. Cindy is right little Leo is the best and it only gets better. Mark

  6. Great post! Those JB cards are just too creepy! Love the granny 'knitting'. I think a cute picture of Leo is the perfect way to finish your post.

  7. Great photos and great random post! I love it. That first picture really cracks me up! And I always love Leo photos. Oh, and my daughter LOVES JB. She'd be all over that card display!

    LOL, I had to come back in and edit. The number 50 was in my secret word I had to type!
