Monday, March 8, 2010

That's My Mom!

Last Thursday, I showed a picture taken at our first guild meeting.  Today, I'd like to share a photo of another special group.

These lovely women are part of Children Hemmed in Prayer, a mission group based in Alabama that "provides clothing that has been made by many loving hands to needy children around the world".

This group meets at their church, which happens to be in my hometown of Pascagoula, once a month to sew garments for needy little girls and boys.  With donations received, they purchase a pair of panties to go with the dresses and a t-shirt and underwear to go with the shorts.  For some children, this is the first new item of clothing they will have ever had.

This beautiful lady in the front is my Mom!!!!  She and I chat all the time about our sewing projects.  While she compliments me and oohs and aahs over my quilts, I stand amazed at the pretty little dresses and pants she makes for children around the world!  How cool is that?!

Last week a local television reporter came to my Mom's church and did a piece on their group.  It was noted that "FBC Women on Mission completed its January sewing project on February 1, 2010.  From January 10 until February 1, 442 garments were made.   There is such an interest in continuing the project that the church is giving the Women on Mission group a room that can be dedicated to its sewing project."  

After the clip aired, my Mom said their group received donations of cash and fabric as well as two used sewing machines.  I am glad they are getting support for this worthy organization.  How great is it that the church is providing a room for their sewing needs?

This is a rough sketch of my next I have time for another project!  The kids' school is having an auction.  The theme is '70s.  I got the idea of doing pinwheel blocks forming a peace sign from here.  I've changed my mind about some of the details since this picture was taken, but I'm not up to redrawing and coloring at the moment.

I think I know what I want to do (finally) but am open to some ideas.  Any suggestions on background color?  White, black (not my favorite for this big of a quilt), another color or pattern?  The blocks need to stand out so that the peace sign is clear.  Another question:  For each of the pinwheels, should I use a neutral background color and two different prints or the same fabric with a neutral background?

It's a good thing there is a Shop Hop later this week.  I need to purchase some fabric!

I am still behind in responding to emails and checking out your blogs.  I hope to remedy that today.

Have an amazing day!!!


  1. Your Mom is beautiful and must be very sweet to do all that charity sewing with her group. Plus, being from Alabama . . . that's an extra plus!

    How about charcoal gray for your background? The pinwheels would really stand out against it and it is a very modern looking neutral in my opinion.

  2. What a great charity your mom is involved in.
    I like the idea of grey for a background, or yellow! The whole idea/design is very cool!

  3. Thanks for featuring our Women on Mission sewing project. The project continues to grow as more and more people learn about it. I like the suggestion of gray for your peace quilt.

  4. What an exciting mission. My church had a much smaller scale mission that was similar years ago, but it died out. (I think they were making clothes for a specific village in Peru where we had repeat missions, and that relationship has shifted.) It may be time to try and revive it... Well, maybe sometime after the baby comes and the dust has settled. So, what two, three years? :)

    I see the peace sign on a charcoal gray, for no apparent reason. But, I see that Anne had the same thought so maybe my subconscious knows something I don't.

  5. Wow! Your mom and her friends are mazing. Kudos to them all!!

  6. What a great group effort! Well done to your mom and the rest of the group!
    The peace design is so clever. I think I would do the pinwheels in one colour and a "neutral", like red, or blue or grey or...

  7. A big woohoo for you mom and her church group! What an awesome gift they are giving to children all around the world!
