Thursday, October 8, 2009

Now What?

I really don't know what to do next.  I am nervous about the next step in this wildflower quilt.  I blogged previously about this being the first time I have tried this technique.  Since then, I quilted around the edges of the wildflowers with smoky monofilament thread to secure the pieces.

The next step is to "paint" the details of the quilt with thread.  This is what has me nervous.  I am afraid to mess up.  I'm not that confident in doing anything other than a straight stitch.  That is why I LOVE piecing way more than quilting.

So I spent quite some time with all the thread laid out on the top hoping for an epiphany.  None was forthcoming.  So......

I poured some crystal seed beads on the center hoping for inspiration.  Again, nothing.  I think I just need to start the process.  It is the fear of the unknown that is scaring me.  What I really need to do is what Belinda did here - practice on a test piece until I get the hang of it.  Maybe tomorrow.


  1. Well, practicing is always good, but sometime you're just going to have to dive in and do it. It's art, don't expect perfection.

    I'll be eager to see an update on this...hopefully soon!!!

  2. I've been having "light of day epiphanies" when I've been sewing lately. Where there seems to be no answer to the sewing I've found myself doing, I've gone off to bed and in the am the answer is sitting right there where I left it.

    Of course there are those others that sit and sit before I know what to do with them. Sorry I can't be of help on the thread painting, I honestly don't know much about it, yet.

  3. OOoouuuu girl.....I am the same way....I don't
    think I am looking for perfection...I just want to 'like' it when I'm finished...I'm not looking to make 'hasty' decisions just so I can have it finished. I'm not looking to have
    a drawer full of rejects or items I find tons
    of fault with. Why shouldn't I have something
    as well thought out for myself as I would for
    something I was making to give, that said....It has to 'speak' to me matter how long I have to wait to hear!!
